Genuinely Ginger Vocal Coaching

My training and expertise is in vocal training. My superpower is compassion! Creating a safe space for experimentation, mistakes, laughter, and tears is crucial for improvement and growth.   

When my clients meet me with an open mind and heart, we can see thrilling progress and reach lofty goals together. It is an absolute joy to help my students overcome physical and emotional obstacles that once seemed interminable. 

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 What people are saying:

  • Karen

    Ginger has developed my singing through her ability to quickly diagnose and clearly convey fixes for vocal problems. This ability as a "vocal fixer" promotes the confidence and skills needed for public performances..

  • Carolyn

    Ginger opened my eyes to so many worlds of music, health, and emotion combined.

  • Paola

    Ginger- You believed in me as no one else has done before. And most importantly, you made me believe in myself. You took me out of my comfort zone and showed me other ways of art. You taught me how to become a better singer, a better actress, and also a better dancer. You showed me how to perform, be more confident, and even stand up and walk. I had so many ups and downs in musical theater. Some made me cry, but most made me feel proud of myself.

  • Shannan

    What is it like to be inspired not just about music but life in general? Learning from Ginger. She inspired me to not only be a better musician but to be a better person. I love her patience: taking all the time in the world to help me find the right sound, or push me past my comfort zone. What my favorite thing about Ginger is though, is that she was able to take me from being afraid of my own vocal cords to exploring opera, musical theater, pop, and so forth. I could not have asked for a better teacher, and I will always turn to her for instruction on music and life.

  • Nina

    Thank you so much for all the effort you invested in our daughter. At the beginning of the production, she wasn't entirely convinced that she should be given such a front stage part, but outside of the voice crack that she is lamenting, she was so happy at the end.  The confidence you helped her achieve will help her go after new goals, and that confidence (in addition to voice training) is definitely a product of your work together. We appreciate you so much. 

  • Edith

    When school felt very lonely and intimidating, your room and choir always felt like a safe haven. Thank you for that. Through encouraging me to join choirs and voice lessons, you challenged me in new ways, and I have loved that.

  • Kristina

    I can't tell you how much we appreciate your work with our daughter in virtual lessons. I love how comfortably you engage with her, banter, and give her tough feedback in a caring way.  You are making a huge difference in the life of at least one student!