Vocal Coaching

Whether taking on a new style of singing, preparing for a role or concert, or looking for ways to survive long rehearsals or speaking gigs, my clients bring me their challenges and upcoming projects. Together we assess how we can work together to make the largest impact.

Just a few areas we might choose to address include:

  • Finding an authentic and naturally free sound

  • Gaining confidence in the piece or role

  • Applying a specific technique to a new piece

  • Identifying how self-talk may be affecting the body while singing and trying out techniques to change those habits and patterns

  • Creating a dynamic character and communicating clearly in song or show

  • Releasing tension in a specific range of the voice or passage in a piece

  • Reigniting the joy in singing 

Unlike voice lessons, there is no formula for how a coaching session should look. My goal is always for you to leave our session with a valuable nugget that gives you a sense of accomplishment and helps you in the coming days and weeks.